2025: work in progress
2023: addenda and modernised markup but no new pages
2022: JBR RP section expanded and reorganised
2020: time to start dividing it up by decade!
2017: Ranto A‐Go‐Go overhaul; migration completed in the nick of time
2016: Vectors, Europan, and some Linux lexicography; migration ongoing
2015: a new Ranto appendix W, Loose Canon, and migration prep
2014: some addenda and a major format revamp but no new pages
2013: Alternese (and Unicode IPA)
2011: SF Exobiology Top Tropes
2010: a linuxguistics crossover, overdue intro page, and Xibalba and Emmental pages (imported from upstairs)
2009: an SF short story and a retro‑futurological PS
2008: Retro‑Futurology directory and Ranto appendix X
2007: Ranto appendix Y [since rehoused] and Pleistocenese
2005: some software fantasies and a Ranto Halloween special
2004: Ranto appendix W [since rehoused], Astronomically Improbable, and the main wave of content for my GNU/Linux subdirectory
2003: Ranto appendix V [since rehoused] and the Futurese page; also started using this directory as a home for retired log entries
2002: Trek plot generator, Ranto ToC‑ification, token GNU/Linux content, and a Heinlein page appendix [since rehoused]
2001: Constructed Language #4892 (and not much else)
2000: ongoing maintenance, but no new pages
1999: news updates [since merged into various other pages], plus some book‑reports and autodialectology [since rehoused]
1998: Trek rant ToC‑ification, and plenty of new pages – goat‐blowing, the 1998 questionnaire, a Babylon 5 wishlist, the mailbox and original changelog, spelling reform, a sitemap, and SF Xenolinguistics
1997: anything not mentioned above went up (at least in prototype form) during this year! So that's the FAQ, IMO, links, CV, and home pages, along with the Groovy, ‑X Files, and Y2k filler items, plus SF Chronophysics and (versions of) my Heinlein, Esperanto, and Star Trek essays