A ɛɪ
Aaron ˈɛərɒn cf. Erin
absorption əbˈzɔːbʃən
abstract ˈæbstrækt adjective
abstract æbˈstrækt verb
absurd əbˈsɜːd
abundance əˈbəndəns
accomplished əˈkəmplɪʃt UM, not OM
aches ɛɪks cf. moustaches
act ækt
actually ˈæktʃəliː but not ˈækʃliː
advert­isement ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt n.b. stress
aeon ˈiːɒn not like Ian
again əˈɡɛn
airfare ˈɛəfɛə
albino ælˈbiːnəʊ
all ɔːl
alleged əˈlɛdʒd
allegedly əˈlɛdʒɪdliː
almond ˈɑːmənd no l
alto ˈæltəʊ
among əˈməŋ
ankle ˈæŋkəl cf. uncle
ant ænt cf. aunt
Anthony ˈæntəniː cf. anthropoid
anthropoid ˈænθrəpɔɪd cf. Anthony
anxious ˈæŋkʃəs cf. axiom
apricot ˈɛɪprɪkɒt not like app
arctic ˈɑːktɪk artic is a lorry
aren't ɑːnt cf. aunt
ASCII ˈæskiː
asphalt ˈæʃfɛlt unjustifiably
associated əˈsəʊʃiːˌɛɪtɪd one ʃ
association əˌsəʊsiːˈɛɪʃən one ʃ
asterisk ˈæstərɪsk
asthma ˈæsθmə cf. chthonic
aubergine ˈəʊbəʒiːn
aunt ɑːnt cf. taunt
awry əˈrɑɪ
axes ˈæksɪz of the dwarves
axes ˈæksiːz of rotation
axiom ˈæksiːəm cf. anxious