T tiː same as tea
taunt tɔːnt cf. aunt
taxes ˈtæksɪz cf. taxis
taxis ˈtæksiːz cf. taxes
than ðæn reduces to ðən
the ðə before vowels, ðiː
theatre ˈθiːətə
then ðɛn reduces to ðən
thigh θɑɪ cf. thy
thither ˈðɪðə twice ð
thorough ˈθərə cf. through
though ðəʊ cf. thought
thought θɔːt cf. thorough
three θriː cf. free
through θruː cf. trough
thy ðɑɪ cf. thigh
tomato təˈmɑːtəʊ cf. potato
tongue təŋ
topically ˈtɒpɪkəliː cf. tragically
tortoise ˈtɔːtəs like porpoise
tough təf cf. though
tourniquet ˈtɔːnɪˌkɛɪ no final t
toward təˈwɔːd
tragically ˈtrædʒɪkliː cf. publicly
trap træp
trauma ˈtrɔːmə not ˈtræʊmə
triumph ˈtrɑɪ əmf
trough trɒf cf. tough
truer ˈtruːə cf. cure
tuna ˈtjuːnə same as tuner
tuner ˈtjuːnə same as tuna
turmeric ˈtɜːmərɪk not ˈtjuːmərɪk